Upload your accuracy test results

Before you start with accuracy test of your airsoft gun, please read the "how to do accuracy test" page first. If you are prepared, you can do the test and fill the form below:

Shooting distance (meters)
** (10 m ≈ 11 yards)

About You

Your nickname (it will be visible on the site)

Your email (not visible on site)

Website (optional, visible on the site)

(Your website or website of the shop where you bought the airsoft gun)

Your country (optional, it will be visible on the site)

About tested airsoft gun


Type of the airsoft weapon:

if not in list, you can type here: ** (?)

Full name of the tested airsoft gun
** (example H&K MP5A5 HG)

Brand (manufacturer):
if not in list, then type: **

Upload image of tested airsoft weapon
JPG, image will be resized to 800x600 size.

Used BB weight (g):
if not in list, then type: **

Speed of BB: FPS or m/s (help)
optional, but test may not appear in search by FPS

Is the airsoft gun modified?**

What is upgraded? (max 140 chars)

example: inner barrel, hop-up, spring, piston, cylinder, trigger etc.

The result:

Units: ** /

Enter horizontal and vertical spread after each 5 shoots (see the image below). Enter only numbers rounded to one decimal place:


Rate tested airsoft gun (summary, how happy are you with it)

** (how to rate?)

Your comment, opinion etc.:

