SW-04 accuracy

20m distance airsoft shooting accuracy for SW-04, M24, Snow Wolf, uploaded by Slobo, at June 29, 2017. Test ID: #14

Average accuracy for tested SW-04 airsoft gun is 4.2 cm (≈ 1.7 inch) horizontal and 6.3 cm (≈ 2.5 inch) vertical accuracy. Diagonal = 7.6 cm (≈ 3 inch). Tested distance was 20 m. The details of test can be seen below.

Tested airsoft gun:
Exact name: SW-04
Model: M24
Brand: Snow Wolf
Power: spring
Type: sniper
Used BB 0.43 g
FPS: 500
Modified* y
Result of shooting accuracy:
  horizontal vertical
  cm inch cm inch
1. 3.3 1.3 4.8 1.9
2. 4.1 1.6 6.5 2.6
3. 4.3 1.7 7 2.8
4. 3.9 1.5 5.3 2.1
5. 5.5 2.2 7.7 3
avg 4.22 1.7 6.26 2.5
Shooting distance: 20 m
Diagonal accuracy: 7.55 cm

More statistics

Theoretically, what is the smallest target that can be hit N times out of 10 shoots. N=
1×: 1.2×1.8 cm (=0.5×0.7 in)
5×: 2.2×3.2 cm (=0.9×1.3 in)
9×: 4.6×6.8 cm (=1.8×2.7 in)
Coke can hits: 25 /25
Matchbox hits: 17 /25

Standard deviation (best if 0):

Horizontal: 0.72 cm = 0.28 inch
Vertical: 1.07 cm = 0.42 inch
Diagonal: 1.29 cm = 0.51 inch
Hor./Vert. ratio: 1:1.48 = 67.4% info
Predicted shooting accuracy at 20×2 = 40m distance: 9.1×13.5 cm = 3.6×5.3 in.

*Experienced airsofters often tunes their guns. Upgrades: Spring, hup-up bucking and chamber, piston

Slobo (from Serbia) rated this airsoft gun with .

I noticed that best improvement in vertical accuracy I got after inserting PDI hop-up chamber and rubber.
Airsoft SW-04 Snow Wolf M24


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